
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020
TECNOLOGY  A topic that i would love to deal is robots,to now more about this.Like types of robots,history,development,problems...And all this stuff. I don't really like very much,the topic of plastic, I have learn types of plastic and his uses,but I don't like ,not because is boring or frustrating.Is only that I feel that topics like 3d impression bit videogames is more interesting.Also I thought,that we will do.more practical things.But in general I think all ok.:-) :-) :-) I learned to use different platforms,like genially,canva...And more. Also I have learned a lot of things,of different topics and themes.That I didn't now.Moreover I love that we don't have exams,I think that is a very good method!! I love ,that the we have to do presentations or power points,instead of teaching in class and listen the leson.I think that this make our brain to develop more creativity and searching information ,and more freedom to make our work. Also I love that we can listen t