Electricity an electronic circuits

Germanium is a chemical element with the
Symbol(ge) and with the atomic number 32.And are use in electronics,Also they are use in Solar Panels or fluorescent lamps.

Silicon is a chemical element with the symbol (si) and with the atomic number 14.Is use for in electronics,to produce silicon waver used in the semiconductor Industry.

Silicon was discovered in 1823

The existence of germanium was predicted by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869 but in  1885, Clemens Winkler, a German chemist, discovered what was then referred to as "eka-silicon" in an ore known as argyrodite. The ore contained silver, sulfur, iron oxide, and zinc with about 7 percent of the unknown metal.

siliconis present in the sun and 
meteorites. Silicon makes up one quarter of the earth's crust. It is the second most abundant elevment on Earth, behind only oxygen. Silicon is not found free in nature, but occurs chiefly as silicon dioxide and as silicates.

The germanium is mined primarily from sphalerite (the primary ore of zinc), though germanium is also recovered commercially from silver, lead, and copper ores. Elemental germanium is used as a semiconductor in transistors and various other electronic devices.

extensively as a semiconductor in solid-state devices in the computer and microelectronics industries. ... Sand (silicon dioxide or silica) and clay (aluminium silicate) are used to make concrete and cement. Sand is also the principal ingredient of glass, which has thousands of uses.

The germanium 
 is in the semiconductor industry. When doped with small amounts of arsenic, gallium, indium, antimony or phosphorus, germanium is used to make transistors for use in electronic devices. Germanium is also used to create alloys and as a phosphor in fluorescent lamps.
