Apollo ll technology

           Apollo journeys documentary

The documentary talks about all the misions of Apollo .talks to the first man that goes to the moon to the different kind of Apollo misions.

In my opinion ,Apollo 11" isn't like other documentaries about the first moon mission. In fact it isn't like most other documentaries. It's magnificent and unique, an adrenaline shot of wonder and skill.I loved because it's really interesting and I have learn a lot new facts that I don't now .I think is one of the most incredible documentary that I have see.

Extra: In 1978, the man visited the moon for the last time, but the donal trump government has proposed to arrive there more than a century after 2024 as a stage prior to the great jump to Mars in 2030. Within a period of only five years, a man and for the first  Once a woman will step on the satellite.  NASA's new program to achieve it is called Artemis.  As usual in the history of astronautics, the name is not free.  Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo in Greek mythology.  And his goal is also to inaugurate a new era in space exploration.

 The plans are to previously build a space station that orbits the satellite, called Gateway , which should be built in 2022 and would serve as a base for manned missions to the Moon and then to Mars.  Later, another permanent base on the lunar surface is also planned.

 "The exploration will be in the South Pole, where there is a significant amount of ice water, necessary both for the future lunar base and for the production of the necessary fuel for the jump to Mars," explains David Barrado, astrophysicist at the Center to RTVE.es  of Astrobiology (CAB).
