technology problem solving zheng li 3c

technology problem solving

1 define the problem: after thinking about the design, whe have to think this questions :

  • What is the problem?
  • Is it my problem?
  • its really difficult?
  • i need help ?
  • who ? ...

2describe the result you want:  you have to describe your problem.and think about it

    3collect information : then collect neccesary imformation or ask person to complete .
    4 think of solutions: think solutions to solved your problem .you can mak a list or also you can think thisquestions:
    • Can I solve it? Is it worth solving?
    • Is this the real problem, or merely a symptom of a larger one?
    • Does it need an immediate solution, or can it wait?
    • Is it likely to go away by itself?
    • Can I risk ignoring it? ...

    5 choose the best solution : when you have finished your list or thinking your questions .you have to choose the best solution.some of them you will need it , but other no.think carefully
    6implent the solution now with the solutions ,implented and maked.
    Resultado de imagen de collect information
    7 evaluate the results and make necessary changes when you have finished,is time to evaluate the results and make neessary changes .in addition you can think about this questons if you want to change .:
    • Is this the real problem, or merely a symptom of a larger one?
    • Does it need an immediate solution, or can it wait?

    8 build and test the final idea : then build your idea and test your final idea iif its function or its good.
    Resultado de imagen de test the final idea
    9review the results:  then review the results carefully.looking all theimformation.
    10if it necessary improve desing or correct the errors. if you discover something rong you will have to correct the errors or improve your desing

    the end 

    zheng zheng li
