Plastics. 3D design and printing   🌸  

                                                                                                    exercise 1 and 2 

1 car tyres are made of 19 percent natural rubber and 24 percent synthetic rubber wich is a plastic polymer.

 2 The ink tube and cap of the pen are made of polypropylene, a slightly more environmentally friendly plastic that can be recycled. It is chosen for its durability and impact resistance. While Polystyrene is prone to brittle cracking, the PP cap can prevent it from breaking when dropped or impacted. 

Melamine-Formaldehye (MF)is one of the components that we  made  by reacting these two constituents, is widely used today for electrical socket as and recepticals.

    - Prices:
1  But as with prices for other types of 3d printing materials, it highly depends on the quality of the material, the type of the material and the manufacturer. The average 3d printer material cost for standard SLA resins is approximately $50 per liter. That means entry-level, cheap resins may even be under $50. i think that these prices are appropiate.Because by the manucfacturing pocess and others
2 I think that they have different prices is because of lot of things like :the manufacturing process,the materials,the mark...

                      SIX TYPE OF PLASTIC

                    exercise four 
the mobile phones are madee up of  Soft plastic mobile phones cases are either made up of regular polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane. Soft or regular polyurethane is generally used in the manufacture of varnish, foam and footwear.

Our computer are made up of a fantastic array of different materials  including steel, glass, silica sand, iron ore, gold, bauxite and a lot of others. All of those raw materials have to come from somewhere, such as mines. 

Cases are usually constructed from steel (often SECC—steel, electrogalvanized, cold-rolled, coil), aluminium and plastic. Other materials such as glass, wood, acrylic and even Lego bricks have appeared in home-built cases.

ballpoint pens  are made ofmetals, plastic, and some other chemicals. When they were first made, for a ball it the point was used steel. Today is used textured tungsten carbide because it is resistant to deforming. The point that hold the ball is made  of brass - alloy of copper and zinc.they are thermoplastic materials to resist 

They can be produced by either extrusion or injection molding. In each approach, the plastic is supplied as granules or powder and is fed into a large hopper. The extrusion process involves a large spiral screw, which forces the material through a heated chamber, making it a thick, flowing mass.

                      3d print food.     

Foodini is a 3D food printing kitchen appliance that enables you to personalize food, eat healthier, improve kitchen efficiency and lower food waste. Print using your own real, natural, fresh ingredients – customize foods, nutrition, and presentation, printing the amount you need and nothing more.
Foodini makes cooking more creative, faster and healthier. Print food in precise portions and shapes. Take our dishes to another level - Elevate our food.

Users can insert fresh ingredients into a capsule, that they can they put inside the 3D printer. These ingredients are then 3D printed according to the recipe chosen by the users. The 3D print's layer thickness depends on the ingredient, but the smallest available nozzle size is o. 5 mm.

Natural Machines, makers of the Foodini 3d printer, claims to be able to 3d print foodin under one minute. We imagine the quantity would be quite small, though, as the company states on the same website, that it would take about 20 minutes to 3d printa detailed chocolate figure.
